Sầu riêng Việt Nam


The area of durian in Vietnam increased rapidly after the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the General Administration of Customs of China signed a protocol to officially export durian to China. Currently, the country has about 100,000 hectares of durian, with an output of 1.3 million tons per year. In which, the two localities with the largest export-standard durian areas in the country are Tien Giang province and Dak Lak province.

The risk of "exploding" area

Before the risk of "exploding" durian area, Mr. Le Minh Hoan - Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development has just issued a directive requesting localities and functional agencies to advise farmers not to plant durian on their own. in inappropriate places.

Xe sầu riêng Việt Nam xuất khẩu chính ngạch đầu tiên sang Trung Quốc
Vietnam's first official export durian truck to China

According to statistics, just a few months after signing the official export protocol of durian to China, the area of durian in particular increased rapidly, with some localities increasing the area of durian trees by 3,000 hectares. new planting.

Tien Giang province is leading in durian production in the country. According to provincial statistics, durian is the most profitable fruit for farmers compared to other crops. Specifically, the profit of durian trees is estimated at 545 million VND/ha.

See more: 'If we massively expand the durian area, we may have to come to the rescue'

According to the Sub-Department of Cultivation and Plant Protection of Dak Lak province (Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Dak Lak province), the province currently has more than 15,100 hectares of durian growing area (accounting for 17.6% of durian growing area). country) and the number is still growing.

Durian varieties grown in Dak Lak are mainly Mongthong and Ri6, distributed mainly in the districts of Krong Nang (more than 4,000 ha), Krong Pac (about 3,800 ha), ...

Planting area code and packing facility code

Updated to December 23, 2022, Vietnam has been granted 113 growing area codes and packing facilities by China. Faced with the export potential of durian products, many farmers and businesses are investing in planting areas and re-organizing farming processes to meet market requirements.

Vùng nguyên liệu đã được gắn kết với doanh nghiệp
The raw material area has been associated with the enterprise

Up to now, Vietnam has had 2 rounds of code issuance and has been granted a total of 113 codes. This number is forecasted by the Plant Protection Department to continue to increase in the near future, because there are currently about 300 codes in the process of online checking to complete the procedure waiting for China's license.

Sharing about lessons for farmers, Ms. Ngo Tuong Vy CEO of Chanh Thu Fruit Import Export Group Joint Stock Company said: "For the raw material area that has been linked with businesses, it is best to contact us. sustainable connection, which means we should have a long-term contract with the business associated with us about the growing area code and the packing house code.”

Nhà máy của công ty Chánh Thu đạt tiêu chuẩn xuất khẩu sang thị trường Trung Quốc
Chanh Thu company's factory meets export standards to the Chinese market

In order to ensure that the batches of durian exported to the Chinese market do not face any problems or obstacles, all farmers and cooperatives that have been granted the planting area codes by China to meet official export standards need to pay attention. Being aware of the importance of protecting your growing area code, complying with farming regulations and always consider it a mandatory task that needs to be performed regularly to help partners easily check when necessary.

According to Mr. Pham Anh Tuan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Fruit Tree Cooperative in Krong Pac district, Dak Lak province emphasized: "We resolutely protect the results, which are the codes of the growing areas in the cooperative."

The Ministry of Agriculture affirmed that it will popularize and build a production process in accordance with export standards for farmers and businesses, from planting areas to packaging facilities, forming a chain linking the durian ecosystem.

See more: DThe area increases too hot, durian can become common durian

Durian promises to bring in billions of dollars

Although Vietnamese durian has only been officially exported to the Chinese market since September 2022, the number of orders that Chinese importers place orders from Vietnamese enterprises is twice as large as the national output.

In one month, durian exports to China reached nearly 50 million USD, up more than 4,000% over the same period last year. This is an unprecedented increase in the history of the Vietnamese durian industry.

Cơ sở đóng gói sầu riêng của Việt Nam đủ đáp ứng yêu cầu của Nghị định thư
Vietnam's durian packing facilities are sufficient to meet the requirements of the Protocol

According to the Vietnam Fruit and Vegetable Association, the price of durian, jackfruit and dragon fruit is now 4-5 times higher, bringing a lot of profit to farmers and the agricultural industry. Export turnover is predicted to reach 4 billion USD in 2023, of which durian can reach 1 billion USD.

Durian is a product that is especially favored by the Chinese market. However, the Vietnam Fruit and Vegetable Association also recommends that growers and exporters need to strictly comply with regulations on growing area codes, food safety conditions, drug residues on products, ensuring up to the increasing standards of the Chinese market.

See more: Fruit exports are expected to reach "billion dollars" in the market of billions of people

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