Sầu riêng Đắk Lắk

Dak Lak - The main durian raw material area

In recent years, durian in particular Dak Lak has a lot of potential for development. The concrete proof is the event of official export of the first batch of durian to the Chinese market held in Dak Lak in September 2022. This is an important milestone that opens up many development opportunities for Vietnam's durian export industry in the direction of safety, efficiency, quality and close links from production to consumption markets.

Sự kiện xuất khẩu chính ngạch lô sầu riêng đầu tiên sang thị trường Trung Quốc được tổ chức tại Đắk Lắk
The official export event of the first batch of durians to the Chinese market was held in Dak Lak

China is currently Vietnam's largest trading partner, the largest import market and the second largest export market for Vietnam. On the contrary, Vietnam is China's largest trading partner in ASEAN.

See more: Proud to be the first batch of durian officially exported to China

Nhà máy chế biến trái cây xuất khẩu của Công Ty CPTĐ XNK Trái Cây Chánh Thu
The fruit processing factory for export of Chanh Thu Fruit Import-Export Corporation

The purchasing power of durian from the Chinese market increased sharply after the official export event pushed the price of durian to an unprecedented increase. Durian purchased at the garden is currently increasing compared to the same period last year and reaching a record level ever.

Area scale

Dak Lak has many advantages for agricultural product development: the province has the 4th largest natural area in the country, including nearly 5,400 square kilometers of agricultural land.

Durian tree is a tree that brings high economic efficiency to Vietnamese farmers

The main raw material area of durian

Up to now, the area of durian in particular in Dak Lak province is about over 15,000 hectares, which is the province with the second largest durian area in the country after Tien Giang province. In 2021, the province's durian output will reach 137,000 tons. Recently, durian harvest in 2022 reached 170,000 tons, expected to reach 300,000 tons by 2025. In which, Krong Pak district is considered the durian capital of the province with nearly 4,000 hectares, the area for harvesting is about 2,600 hectares; estimated output 40,000 - 50,000 tons/year.

Favorable geographical location

Dak Lak has a geographical position located in the center of the Central Highlands region, complete infrastructure, so it is convenient for economic and cultural trade with neighboring regions and the largest economic center in the country is Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh. 

Highway 14 (350 km to Ho Chi Minh City, 190 km to Pleiku), National Highway 26 (180 km to Nha Trang) National Highway 27 (200km to Da Lat), 29 National Highway (to Phu Yen 185km) ). Airway has Buon Ma Thuot Airport with flights to many big cities such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Hai Phong, Vinh.

Dak Lak - Basalt red land

One of the resources that bring many different values to Dak Lak is land resources. Red soil (Ferrasol, mainly basalt red soil) is the second largest soil group (after gray soil) accounting for 55.6% of the area of basalt red soil in the Central Highlands.

Đất đỏ bazan tại Đắk Lắk
Basalt red soil in Dak Lak

See more: Chanh Thu Group - the pioneer durian exporter in the Southeast Region

Basalt red soil also has good physico-mechanical properties, granular structure with average porosity of 62% to 65%, has the ability to hold water and absorb nutrients high... very suitable for industrial crops of economic value such as coffee, rubber, tea, pepper, durian... and many other fruit trees and short-term industrial plants. The province is focusing on developing the agricultural industry in the direction of high technology to improve product value, minimize negative impacts of climate change, avoid unnecessary risks, and promote maximum efficiency. in agricultural production thanks to the application of modern technology to become the main durian raw material area of the country.

Đắk Lắk có hương vị rất đặc trưng, được đánh giá cao
Dak Lak has a very specific flavor, which is highly appreciated

Durian fruit – 20 years journey

Being favored by nature for suitable natural conditions, durian trees grow and develop very well, having been attached to the land of Dak Lak for more than 20 years.. With basalt red soil with good drainage, it is suitable for durian cultivation. In addition, the durian tree has a large age but still gives a large number of fruits and very beautiful fruit. Therefore, durian is one of the crops that bring high economic efficiency and contribute to improving the lives of farmers.

Durian: is a perennial crop in Dak Lak, but has only grown strongly in recent years. People here focus on developing new varieties such as DoNa, Ri6 with typical delicious quality that are favored by domestic and international markets.

Công nhân nhà máy đang sơ chế sầu riêng chuẩn bị cấp đông
Factory workers are preparing durian for freezing

With the above advantages, Dak Lak Durian has a very specific taste, which is highly appreciated by traders and diners. The locality has also effectively implemented production methods to build a brand. 

Durian is an exported fruit tree that brings high value to farmers and now we are very dependent on the Chinese market. Therefore, the province's orientation is not to expand in terms of area, but to improve farming efficiency and quality to attract more markets.

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